We, Christians, can easily understand why Jesus is called “everlasting”. But how come He is also a Father. Isn’t God the Father the only father in the Trinity? “Everlasting Father” – sermon from the Christmas sermons series. Speaker: Pastor Trifon Trifonov Read More →
The name is important to God. In Isaiah 9:6 He gave a few names to the coming Messiah. What do they mean and why are they important? Wonderful Counselor – sermon from the “For to us a Child is born” Speaker: Pastor Trifon Trifonov Read More →
Many people think that covetousness has nothing to do with them. Yet, the Bible shows us that covetousness is a serious sin by putting it in the list of the Ten Commandments. How can we overcome this sin? “Do Not Covet” – the last sermon in the Ten Commandments series. Read More →
Why is “You shall not give false testimony” in the Ten Commandments? Why is this commandment so important? Sermon by Valentin Arnaudov 11 am, November 24th, 2019. Read More →