Most of us would be alarmed to hear that some Christians do not keep the 6th or the 7th commandment. But basically we ignore the 4th, “Keep the Sabbath day and make it holy.” Why this commandment seems not so important to today’s Christians? “Have You Entered Into Read More →
This commandment concerns respect for the name of God. In ancient times, names were important. A name was not just a label or used to identify a person. It suggested that person’s personality. Thus God’s name reveals who He is and what He does. His name is His person. What we do to God’s name Read More →
Why were the 10 commandments given to Israel? Are they still applicable to us today, in the 21st century? “You shall have no other gods” – the first sermon from the Ten Commandments series by pastor Trifon Trifonov. Read More →