When we start something, we must prepare for it. Students prepare for an exam by reading about it. Athletes prepare for the Olympics by training hard for 4 years. When you bake a cake, you have to prepare the pan – grease it with oil so that the cake doesn’t stick. When you paint, you have to
Today we begin our examination of the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew means “gift of God.” Matthew was called by Jesus to become His disciple and, after His death and resurrection, wrote the gospel, most likely between 50 and 60 AD. In the gospel, we see Jesus presented as a King who has all
Важно е да мислим какво можем да направим през новата година, за да станем по-добри хора в очите на Бога. Само когато имаме взаимоотношения с Бога и работим върху тях, нещата могат да станат по-добри. И така, какво трябва да направим, за да имаме по-добър живот през новата година? Първо,
Every Christian family reminisce about Christmas in their own way. That’s what the four evangelists did. Matthew tells us how Joseph was visited by an angel who announces that the woman he’s bethroted to is going to have a son. Mark starts the gospel with a story about Jesus’
For many people Christmas is getting presents, decorating the Christmas tree and paying higher bills. For the kids it is time for getting presents from Santa Claus. For the young it is a time for partying and having fun. For the businessmen Christmas is a time for bigger profits. For the