One cannot be content with calling Jesus a great teacher, for he taught that he was more than a mere teacher; one must either accept all his teachings, including those that demand we submit to his lordship, or reject him altogether. Jesus is not one way among many; he is the standard of
The Bridge over anxiety (Matthew 6:25-34) – sermon by pastor Trifon Trifonov from the sermon series “The King and the Kingdom” on the gospel of Matthew. Translation provided.
Jesus emphasizes that we should not pray like the hypocrites, to be seen by others; instead, we should pray privately. He also emphasizes that we should not pray like pagans, expecting to manipulate an answer from their deities; instead, we should offer a simple prayer to our Father. Sermon by
The subject of God’s Kingdom (Matthew 5:1-12) – sermon by pastor Trifon Trifonov from the sermon series “The King and the Kingdom” on the gospel of Matthew.