На Рождество Христово много българи празнуват. Децата бързат да видят какво дядо Коледа им е донесъл под празничната елха. Възрастните са напазарували всички подаръци, картички. Домакините са приготвили празничната трапеза. На село са заколили прасето и са напълнили бурканите. Градове
They awaited a conqueror; not a suffering servant. They awaited a political enforcer; not a spiritual healer. They awaited an earthly kingdom; not an eternal other worldly one. What the angels announced to those lonely shepherds – has come to pass and is coming to pass everyday! On this planet,
Today not all people know the real meaning of their names. But it was different in Israel. Someone’s name meant everything. Jesus means “The Lord saves”. The angel was given a message from God to deliver to Joseph. He had to call Him Jesus because He would save His people from
Sufficient preparation is important. You want to be ready to face the day and any challenges you might encounter. As we began to consider last week, we’re reminded again today that Advent is a season about preparation. But I am not talking about Christmas decorations, buying presents and