We build up disciples, found churches and further the Kingdom.
When we start something, we must prepare for it. Students prepare for an exam by reading about it. Athletes prepare for the Olympics by training hard for 4 years. When you bake a cake, you have to prepare the pan – grease it with oil so that the cake doesn’t stick. When you paint, you have to prepare the wall by applying a primer. Everything requires preparation.
The passage we will look at today also speaks of preparation. Not about an exam or a competition, about cooking or painting, but about the coming of a kingdom. As you have already understood, we are talking about a spiritual Kingdom. But as with students and athletes, this preparation is counterintuitive. It is about an internal, spiritual preparation that also has an external dimension. But it is essential if we are to be prepared for the Kingdom.
“Are you ready for the Kingdom?” (Маtthew 3) – sermon by pastor Trifon Trifonov from The King and the Kingdom sermon series.
Jan 12, 2025
13 Bratia Shkorpil St., Varna
BPC “New Life” – Varna
13 Bratia Shkorpil Str.
9000 Varna
Pr. Trifon Trifonov
tel. +359894483341
email: newlifevarna@abv.bg