Joshua is a book about a new beginning for God’s people. Moses has hust died. He’s led the people of Israel for 40 years in the desert but because of his sin at Meriba he can’t take them to the Promised land. Now it is Joshua’s turn. He must replace Moses as a leader and Read More →
How are we supposed to celebrate in a world that looks more like Good Friday? How can we celebrate when not far away a war is waging, and hundreds of thousands of lives are taken? Watching the news we ask ourselves what can be the message of Easter for this time of tragedy? Yet Eaaster has Read More →
Animosities between individuals and groups of people are a given in our world today. Just take a look at the headlines in any newspaper. In spite of how we may feel about certain individuals or groups of people in our society, God seeks out all human beings to offer them the gift of his love. . Read More →
Great revivals have occurred throughout history—among the Jews in the first century, the tribes of Ireland in the fifth century, the Protestants in the sixteenth century and the people of Wales in the twentieth century. Yet one of the greatest revivals of all time occurred hundreds of years Read More →
Why is it so often that we refuse to repent and change our ways until we are “in the belly of the fish”? Now we will see the repentance of Jonah. Sermon by pastor Tim Awtrey Read More →
Some think that this story is a myth but the Bible considers Jonah a historical person. Jesus also confirms that and even compares it with his own death and resurrection. In the first sermon from the “Who is God?” series we will talk about the true nature, the terrible consequences Read More →
During the trial of Jesus, Pilate interrogated Jesus about His kingdom. In His response, Jesus affirmed said, “Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” To which Pilate cynically answered, “What is truth?” [John 18:37-8] And that same ambivalence pervades our Read More →
Philip, one of the seven deacons appointed in Acts chapter 6, seems to have quickly outgrown his purely administrative role. He has had to leave Jerusalem in a hurry following the death of Stephen, but he is by no means in hiding. This chapter of Acts concerns the remarkable doings of Philip, Read More →