Paul began many of his letters with a prayer of thanksgiving, but this letter begins with a prayer of unusually great warmth and affirmation. As you read this passage, imagine yourself sitting with Lydia, the slave girl and the jailer as this letter is opened and read for the first time. Sermon Read More →
Christian doctrine represents an expansion of a very simple and basic confession of faith: “Jesus is Lord!” Christians have always insisted that there is something qualitatively different about Jesus that sets him apart from all other religious teachers or thinkers. There is a vitally close Read More →
The statement “God is our Father” means that God is like a human father. In other words, God is analogous to a father. In some ways he is like a human father, and in others he is not. There are genuine points of similarity as well as genuine points of dissimilarity. Like all analogies, the Read More →
How are we going to make it in the new year? Are we still going to be as busy as before? Or we are going to make the most of our time? Sermon: Pastor Trifon Trifonov Read More →