Have you ever had dinner with a famous person? If not, I want to tell you that you can have dinner with the most important person on the planet, Jesus. Dinner with Jesus (Luke 14:15-24) – sermon by Pastor Trifon Trifonov in the series “Savior of the World” on the Gospel of Luke. Read More →
There are different storms in life. There are also spiritual storms that rage against us from time to time. They come all of a sudden. As believers we know that we can survive if we trust in Jesus. In this study we are going to look at Luke 8:22-25 and talk about how we can survive in the Read More →
Seven weeks ago we celebrated Easter and before that – Christmas. Most of the people celebrate on those holidays, even if they are not Christians. But Pentecost is noticed by not so many people. It is important because on that day the Church was born and God give the opportunity to every Read More →
Everybody who has gardens or fields knows that there is good soil and bad soil in every garden and in every field. And every farmer’s goal is to get the best soil into his field. If the ground is hard and packed down, you have to till it. If it is rocky, you have to get those rocks out of Read More →
Luke tells aus about a meeting that took place in the town of Nain in Galilee. Two processions met – the procession of death and sorrow met the procession of life and hope. One was led by a man who was conquered by death and the other by Someone who was going to conquere death. The dead Read More →
Jesus often made his listeners furious with his scandalous statements. What did he say in our passage in Luke that made them so mad? Scandalous Pretentions (Luke 4:14-5:16) – sermon from the series “The Savior of the World”. Read More →