Someone had once said that “Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.” In their hatred often people do reckless things and ruin their lives. The verses we are going to consider show a different path. How can we master our feelings of hate and anger and find refuge Read More →
During the Covit-19 pandemic people faced and are still facing the reality of death. The danger of the virus made many countries all over the world take measures in order to save people’s lives. But apart from the physical death there is also the spiritual death. In this chapter the wise Read More →
When you buy an apartment or a house it is important to know who the builder was. There are good and bad builders. How strong your house is depends on the quality of their work. There is another builder who never makes a mistake and always does his best in whatever he builds. Read More →
Божията мъдрост казва, че всеки може да попадне в капана на греха. Ние можем да бъдем впримчени в много неща. Тук ще разгледаме капана на думите, на мързела и на сърцето. “В капана на греха (Притчи 6:1-11)” – проповед на п-р Трифон Трифонов от поредицата “Мъдро Read More →
In the age of internet, fast food and high speed, sometimes it is hard to concentrate and listen to what people tell us. Yet, when the Lord speaks we need to slow down and listen. As we pay attention, we will learn how to guard our heart, keep corruption away and look straight ahead. Read More →
Someone once said, “Never trust anyone who says trust me!” We can’t live without trusting others but the problem is that often this leads to disappointment. In this passage Solomon is teaching us to put our trust in the right person and to allow trust to bless your life. And after we have done Read More →