This commandment concerns respect for the name of God. In ancient times, names were important. A name was not just a label or used to identify a person. It suggested that person’s personality. Thus God’s name reveals who He is and what He does. His name is His person. What we do to God’s name Read More →
Why were the 10 commandments given to Israel? Are they still applicable to us today, in the 21st century? “You shall have no other gods” – the first sermon from the Ten Commandments series by pastor Trifon Trifonov. Read More →
Kids are a great joy and a great trial. Similarly to hedgehogs, and contrary to the popular opinion, they are born with “spikes”. Each child has a unique character and personality, but also each child is conceived in sin. It is the parents’ responsibility to mould that Read More →
The fastest growing and most successful cult in the history is the Mormons, officially known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). They have been increasing at an average rate of 300,000 converts a year. What do they teach, how are they different than Bible Christianity and Read More →
During the last ten years after the 9/11 we are witnessing a new surge of Islamic terrorism. There have been many suiside attacks in western Europe and America. Many people today accuse Christianity and claim it is the major source of violence. They point to passages in the Olt Testament where Read More →
Many people today consider themselves to be Christian. Yet, the Bible speaks about born again Christians. What does born-again mean? And how can we be sure that we are born again believers? Sermon by pastor Trifon Trifonov Read More →
Fear is a basic human emotion. We are afraid of various things almost every day. But are all fears bad? What does the Word say about fear? Speaker: P-r Trifon Trifonov Sunday, Aug 18, 2019, 11 am New Life Church Read More →