In this message we see the disciples suffering from overactivity and catch a vision of how Jesus can help us to counteract its effects. The passage we are focusing on is especially rich in Old Testament allusions. Speaker: P-r Josh Provow Read More →
In this passage we find a number of different people in desperate straits. Their experiences with Jesus can help us to trust him with the fearful areas of our own lives. Read More →
Jesus told a parable that illustrates why it is that so many of those who have been exposed to the Word of God fail to live productive spiritual lives. In this parable Jesus compares our lives or our hearts to various types of soil on which seed is sowed. From this parable we learn that the Read More →
Many religious people speak about “the seven deadly sins”. The Bible though tells us that there is only one unforgivable sin – the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. What do we have to know about this blasphemy and is it possible that we have fallen into this sin? What is the Read More →
The religious wisdom of Jesus’ day demanded that a holly man keep away from various social outcasts, the “sinners.” So Jesus was bound to encounter resistance as he openly welcomed them. Read More →
Mark has told us that Jesus has come as king to fulfill the Old Testament longings for the Lord’s rule over all the earth. But what kind of king is he? Mark, it seems, knows that a picture is worth a thousand words. So rather than offering an abstract character analysis, he paints four verbal Read More →
Преди 2000 г., в малка провинция на Римската империя, имаше един човек, който твърдеше не само че е цар, но и че е Царят; не само че е изпратен от Бога, но че е Божият Син. Неговото име е Исус. В драматично и спиращо дъха повествование, евангелието от Марко ни разказва за краткото служение Read More →