You can find many stories on the Internet or in the pages of church history about “prophets” who claimed to know when Jesus would return or when the end of the world would come. So far, they have all been wrong! God has revealed enough about the future so that we have confidence in his wisdom, Read More →
While Daniel was praying, an angel came to him, interrupted his prayer and gave him a message. He also explained why Daniel had waited three weeks for God’s response to his prayer. For just a moment, the curtain is removed between our visible world and the invisible world of angels and demons. Read More →
The prophets of the Bible were given amazing glimpses of the future from God’s perspective . The vision Daniel receives in chapter 7 starts as a terrifying dream. Read More →
Most of us will never see the inside of a lions’ den, but that doesn’t mean we won’t face pressure to compromise what is right. Sometimes you will face attack or opposition as a Christian, and the person standing in your way won’t even know why he or she doesn’t like you. At other times your Read More →