Obey God, love your neighbor, serve your fatherland

Three characteristics of the Christian (1 John 5)

Walking in the Light

Тhe call of the prophet (Jeremiah 1)

Тhe Weeping Prophet

Тhe message of the prophet

Тhe Weeping Prophet

The parable of the prophet (Jeremiah 18)

Тhe Weeping Prophet

Nothing makes sense? We provide translation.

Following Jesus

Bible Reading Plan


From the crown of thorns to the crown of glory

17 May 2015 | 11:00 am
Ascension of Christ is a holiday that is overshadowed by Easter and Pentecost. Forty days after Resurrection Christ ascended and sat on the right-hand side of the Father. What is the historical, spiritual and practical meaning of this great event for us as Christians?  
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New Life Church recommends…

16 May 2015 | 12:00 am
…the following books. You can see the list in the Bulgarian section under “Events”. All the links are to editions in Bulgarian language. We endorse but this doеsn’t necessarily mean that we agree with all positions of the authors.
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How to recognize a cult – sermon at BPC “New Life”

10 May 2015 | 11:00 am
How to recognize a cult? That is a hard question, especially having in mind that there are so many cults and secs which disguise themselves like Christianity. Yet, for the disciple of Christ there are a few surefire ways to find out these wolves in sheep’s clothing.
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The Lord is coming – sermon at New Life Church

03 May 2015 | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
The world is changing with fast pace. But the greatest change will be the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many are ridiculing us, Christians, for talking about “the day of Yahweh”, when He “comes as a thief” (2 Peter 3:10). Are you ready for him? Come and hear what the
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Photo Walk: an initiative of New Life Varna Church

26 Apr 2015 | 01:30 pm
Right after church service on Sunday, April 26th, we are heading to our first Photo Walk. Our guide will be Phil Cruttwell, a photographer with a taste for beautiful nature and spots in our city. Bring your camera or phone and join us! Come to our Photo Walk and enjoy the beauty God made, as
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BPC “New Life” new website launched last week

14 Apr 2015 | 12:00 am
Last week we launched our new website. On it you can find info about our purpose statement and mission, history, pastor and ministries. Also, every week the website will be updated with information about current events. Online users will be able to listen to all the sermons and other lectures
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Palm Sunday and Easter Services

12 Apr 2015 - 13 Apr 2015 | 11:00 am - 12:00 am
Do you know what Palm Sunday is? Why do Bulgarians enter church on that day wearing ivy branches? And why do we celebrate Easter? We we call it like that? What historical event is commemorated each year on that day? You can learn more about some of the biggest Christian holidays. We invite you
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The three empty promises of Easter

12 Apr 2015 | 11:00 am
On Sunday morning the women passed along an empty cross and got to the empty tomb where they found an empty shroud. What were the promises of God hidden behind these three empty things? Come and hear the message of Easter. Come and celebrate Christ’s Resurrection with us! EASTER CHURCH
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Depression: symptoms and treatment

31 Mar 2015 | 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Lecture Depression: symptoms and treatment; Depression from Biblical perspective: did Jesus ever get depressed? Lecturer: Dr. Radica Alexovska  
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Hope For The Hopeless (Colossians 1:1-8)

Posted on 12 Jan 2020, Speaker: Trifon Trifonov

Thank You Is Not a Dirty Word

Posted on 05 Jan 2020, Speaker: Trifon Trifonov

Prince of Peace

Posted on 29 Dec 2019, Speaker: Trifon Trifonov

Everlasting Father

Posted on 22 Dec 2019, Speaker: Trifon Trifonov